Updates from Andriy
Project Rocket Stove
In the bitter cold of a winter without power, rocket stoves are helping Ukrainians survive in the most challenging circumstances.
Food Assistance Despite Difficult Circumstances
This month, with an evolving situation, evacuation trips changed to aid delivery trips to Zaporizhzhia.
Another trip to Dnipro & Zaporizhzhia
Andriy & his team made one more trip to Dnipro and Zaporizhzhia before the end of April to deliver aid and pick up people.
71 People Evacuated from Zaporizhzhia & Dnipro
The first evacuation trip with the new bus brought lots of aid and evacuated lots of people, this time stopping in Dnipro as well.
34 Days Under Fire in Mariupol
Vasyl and his wife Anna survived 34 days under heavy bombardment in Mariupol. After getting out, Vasyl shared about what they lived through.
A Chance to Do Some Good
Andriy travels across the border to purchase a large evacuation bus. Andriy’s teammates travel to collect another 50 Mariupol residents from Zaporizhzhia.
Bigger Buses = More People Evacuated
With people continuing to flee destroyed cities like Mariupol, Andriy’s team is looking for bigger buses to make deliveries and evacuations more efficient.
The First Stop After Mariupol
Andriy connected with a church in Zaporizhzhia that has been functioning as a major community hub connecting displaced people with resources, shelter, and transport to safety.
In Between Evacuation Trips
I had a video call with Andriy for the first time since the beginning of the war. He gave more context for their evacuation trips.
Evacuation Trip to Zaporizhzhia
“We are going first to Chernihiv to provide assistance to families, kids. Food, clothes, delivering all kinds of aid. Then from there turning toward Zaporizhzhia…”