Political & Historical Context
Ukraine Explainers
From their website:
“Ukraine Explainers is a non-profit volunteer media project founded by a group of Ukrainians following Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022.
…That’s why we’ve launched Ukraine Explainers – to share simple and well-researched explanatory content about the historical, cultural, and political context surrounding this war.”
#UkrainianSpaces Podcast
This English language podcast by Ukrainians aims to amplify Ukrainian voices and decolonize the conversation about Ukraine. The media landscape is often dominated by mostly foreign white voices speaking about Ukraine, especially during this war. This podcast is a relaxed and informative space to listen and learn from Ukrainians.
Celebrating Ukrainian Culture
Women Artists of The Sixtiers
The Ukrainian Sixtiers was a dissident movement led by Ukrainian writers, artists, musicians and intellectuals that revived and fought for Ukrainian culture in the 1960s in the Soviet Union.
This beautiful website profiles five incredible women artists and highlights a number of their works. One of those artists is Lyubov Panchenko, a visual artist and fashion designer who lived in Bucha, including at the time when it was occupied by Russian troops in March 2022. Panchenko could not leave the house during the occupation and died of starvation at the hands of the Russian army. She was 85.
Maria Prymachenko
A great profile of the famous Ukrainian artist, Maria Prymachenko, of whom Pablo Picasso once said, ““I bow down before the artistic miracle of this brilliant Ukrainian.”
Her paintings have become an example of protest art and a powerful symbol of resistance.
This is a free, short (1.5 hours) introductory course in the history, culture, and society of Ukraine from the Middle Ages to the present.
This course is offered by EdEra, an online education studio that makes online education in Ukraine high quality and affordable.